Auditor search

Below is a list of all currently certified, previously certified, decertified, suspended, and restricted auditors. Auditor searches can be customized by location and certification status.

Each PREA audit must have one lead DOJ-certified PREA auditor who is responsible for the conduct of the audit and all work products. A lead auditor can employ other DOJ-certified PREA auditors to function as secondary auditors or support staff who are not DOJ-certified auditors. However, it is important to know that auditors who have been decertified or who are on suspension may not participate in PREA audits, nor as an agent of a PREA auditor. (See 34 U.S.C. §30307(e)(8)(B)(i).) An auditor with 'Restricted' status may need permission from the DOJ PREA Management Office to initiate new PREA audits or complete PREA audits in progress.

Agencies and facilities, as well as DOJ-certified PREA auditors seeking audit support staff, are strongly encouraged to check the list for the names of auditors who have been decertified and auditors who are suspended, to ensure that the selected auditor and support staff employed by the auditor are eligible.

Note that auditors who voluntarily surrendered their certification or were not recertified when their three-year certification expired are still eligible to participate in an audit as an agent of a DOJ-certified PREA auditor.

Auditors submitted the bio information located below. The PRC posted only those bios from certified auditors who consented, and made only minor spelling, punctuation, and grammar corrections. 

Questions about eligibility to conduct an audit or serve as support staff should be directed to the PRC by submitting a Contact us form.

Auditor search

Type of certification

Certification status

Auditor results

Carroll Parrish
Certification Status
No longer certified
Baltimore, MD
Certification Date
Last Recertified On
Date Formerly Certified:
Cecil Patmon
Certification Status
Little Rock, AR
Certification Date
Date Decertified:
Reason for Decertification:
Failure to complete and submit the PREA Auditor Certification Agreement by the designated deadline
Scott Patterson
Certification Status
Moundsville, WV
Certification Date
Gary Pattman
Certification Status
No longer certified
Savannah, GA
Certification Date
Date Formerly Certified:
Brian Patton
Certification Status
Pensacola, FL
Certification Date
Certification Type
Adult facilities
Read more about Brian
Brian is currently a Senior Consultant for CDR Health. He has partnered with them to develop contracts for local, state, and federal correctional facilities to provide comprehensive healthcare, assessments, and consulting opportunities. He enjoyed a 23-year career with the Federal Bureau of Prisons where he served as Warden, Program Review Division Administrator, and Deputy Regional Director. His career included 6 years experience in maximum security prisons.
Kenneth Paulson
Certification Status
No longer certified
Murrieta, CA
Certification Date
Date Formerly Certified:
Edward Pawson
Certification Status
No longer certified
Washington Township, NJ
Certification Date
Date Formerly Certified:
Dawn Pearson
Certification Status
Owings Mills, MD
Certification Date
Last Recertified On
Bryan Pearson
Certification Status
Columbus, IN
Certification Date
Last Recertified On
Certification Type
Adult facilities
Juvenile facilities
Read more about Bryan
Bryan is a full time auditor and recently retired from the Indiana Department of Correction as the Executive Director of PREA Compliance and the PREA Coordinator for over 10 years. During 28 plus years with the IDOC, he has held several positions at all types of facilities with both male and female populations to include Warden, Operational Director of Mental Health Services for all adult IDOC facilities, Classification Analyst, Deputy Warden, Classification Supervisor, Administrative Assistant, and Casework Manager. Bryan has also had the additional duty of ACA accreditation manager at three facilities and assisted the Indiana DOC Field Audit Division as a collateral ACA auditor.
Diana Pearson
Certification Status
No longer certified
Liberty Township, OH
Certification Date
Date Formerly Certified:
Carroll Parrish
Certification Status
No longer certified
Baltimore, MD
Certification Date
Last Recertified On
Date Formerly Certified:
Scott Patterson
Certification Status
Moundsville, WV
Certification Date
Brian Patton
Certification Status
Pensacola, FL
Certification Date
Certification Type
Adult facilities
Read more about Brian
Brian is currently a Senior Consultant for CDR Health. He has partnered with them to develop contracts for local, state, and federal correctional facilities to provide comprehensive healthcare, assessments, and consulting opportunities. He enjoyed a 23-year career with the Federal Bureau of Prisons where he served as Warden, Program Review Division Administrator, and Deputy Regional Director. His career included 6 years experience in maximum security prisons.
Edward Pawson
Certification Status
No longer certified
Washington Township, NJ
Certification Date
Date Formerly Certified:
Bryan Pearson
Certification Status
Columbus, IN
Certification Date
Last Recertified On
Certification Type
Adult facilities
Juvenile facilities
Read more about Bryan
Bryan is a full time auditor and recently retired from the Indiana Department of Correction as the Executive Director of PREA Compliance and the PREA Coordinator for over 10 years. During 28 plus years with the IDOC, he has held several positions at all types of facilities with both male and female populations to include Warden, Operational Director of Mental Health Services for all adult IDOC facilities, Classification Analyst, Deputy Warden, Classification Supervisor, Administrative Assistant, and Casework Manager. Bryan has also had the additional duty of ACA accreditation manager at three facilities and assisted the Indiana DOC Field Audit Division as a collateral ACA auditor.
Cecil Patmon
Certification Status
Little Rock, AR
Certification Date
Date Decertified:
Reason for Decertification:
Failure to complete and submit the PREA Auditor Certification Agreement by the designated deadline
Gary Pattman
Certification Status
No longer certified
Savannah, GA
Certification Date
Date Formerly Certified:
Kenneth Paulson
Certification Status
No longer certified
Murrieta, CA
Certification Date
Date Formerly Certified:
Dawn Pearson
Certification Status
Owings Mills, MD
Certification Date
Last Recertified On
Diana Pearson
Certification Status
No longer certified
Liberty Township, OH
Certification Date
Date Formerly Certified: