Auditor search

Below is a list of all currently certified, previously certified, decertified, suspended, and restricted auditors. Auditor searches can be customized by location and certification status.

Each PREA audit must have one lead DOJ-certified PREA auditor who is responsible for the conduct of the audit and all work products. A lead auditor can employ other DOJ-certified PREA auditors to function as secondary auditors or support staff who are not DOJ-certified auditors. However, it is important to know that auditors who have been decertified or who are on suspension may not participate in PREA audits, nor as an agent of a PREA auditor. (See 34 U.S.C. §30307(e)(8)(B)(i).) An auditor with 'Restricted' status may need permission from the DOJ PREA Management Office to initiate new PREA audits or complete PREA audits in progress.

Agencies and facilities, as well as DOJ-certified PREA auditors seeking audit support staff, are strongly encouraged to check the list for the names of auditors who have been decertified and auditors who are suspended, to ensure that the selected auditor and support staff employed by the auditor are eligible.

Note that auditors who voluntarily surrendered their certification or were not recertified when their three-year certification expired are still eligible to participate in an audit as an agent of a DOJ-certified PREA auditor.

Auditors submitted the bio information located below. The PRC posted only those bios from certified auditors who consented, and made only minor spelling, punctuation, and grammar corrections. 

Questions about eligibility to conduct an audit or serve as support staff should be directed to the PRC by submitting a Contact us form.

Auditor search

Type of certification

Certification status

Auditor results

Jef Sevenker
Certification Status
No longer certified
Washington, DC
Certification Date
Date Formerly Certified:
Jared Shandrowsky
Certification Status
No longer certified
Glen Burnie, MD
Certification Date
Last Recertified On
Date Formerly Certified:
Ryan Shands
Certification Status
No longer certified
Salem, OR
Certification Date
Date Formerly Certified:
Jillian Shane
Certification Status
Rlo Rancho, NM
Certification Date
Last Recertified On
Certification Type
Adult facilities
Read more about Jillian
Jillian is currently employed as a the PREA Coordinator by the State of New Mexico Corrections Department. Prior to her employment with the State, she worked as a lieutenant/unit manager at a County Detention Center. Before moving to New Mexico, she worked for Corrections Corporation of America at Northeast Ohio Correctional Center. During her tenure there, she served as an instructor, executive assistant, public information officer, grievance officer, and PREA coordinator. To date, Ms. Shane has conducted 12 audits of prisons and jails.
Curtis Shanklin
Certification Status
St. Paul, MN
Certification Date
Prechelle Shannon
Certification Status
No longer certified
Fort Washington, MD
Certification Date
Date Formerly Certified:
Thomas Sharp
Certification Status
Washington, DC
Certification Date
Last Recertified On
Lynne Sharp
Certification Status
No longer certified
Huntsville, TX
Certification Date
Last Recertified On
Date Formerly Certified:
Sharon Shaver
Certification Status
Mableton, GA
Certification Date
Last Recertified On
Certification Type
Adult facilities
Juvenile facilities
Read more about Sharon
Sharon retired as the Director of Compliance for the Georgia Department of Corrections after more than 24 years with the agency. She is an experienced auditor with 26+years working in state government. Sharon served as GDC's Statewide PREA Coordinator during their initial implementation phase. She currently works as an Assistant Project Manager with Creative Corrections LLC and continues to conduct PREA audits and provide consultation services through her own business, SRS Professional Services LLC.
William A. Shaw, Jr.
Certification Status
Clearfield, PA
Certification Date
Last Recertified On
Jef Sevenker
Certification Status
No longer certified
Washington, DC
Certification Date
Date Formerly Certified:
Ryan Shands
Certification Status
No longer certified
Salem, OR
Certification Date
Date Formerly Certified:
Curtis Shanklin
Certification Status
St. Paul, MN
Certification Date
Thomas Sharp
Certification Status
Washington, DC
Certification Date
Last Recertified On
Sharon Shaver
Certification Status
Mableton, GA
Certification Date
Last Recertified On
Certification Type
Adult facilities
Juvenile facilities
Read more about Sharon
Sharon retired as the Director of Compliance for the Georgia Department of Corrections after more than 24 years with the agency. She is an experienced auditor with 26+years working in state government. Sharon served as GDC's Statewide PREA Coordinator during their initial implementation phase. She currently works as an Assistant Project Manager with Creative Corrections LLC and continues to conduct PREA audits and provide consultation services through her own business, SRS Professional Services LLC.
Jared Shandrowsky
Certification Status
No longer certified
Glen Burnie, MD
Certification Date
Last Recertified On
Date Formerly Certified:
Jillian Shane
Certification Status
Rlo Rancho, NM
Certification Date
Last Recertified On
Certification Type
Adult facilities
Read more about Jillian
Jillian is currently employed as a the PREA Coordinator by the State of New Mexico Corrections Department. Prior to her employment with the State, she worked as a lieutenant/unit manager at a County Detention Center. Before moving to New Mexico, she worked for Corrections Corporation of America at Northeast Ohio Correctional Center. During her tenure there, she served as an instructor, executive assistant, public information officer, grievance officer, and PREA coordinator. To date, Ms. Shane has conducted 12 audits of prisons and jails.
Prechelle Shannon
Certification Status
No longer certified
Fort Washington, MD
Certification Date
Date Formerly Certified:
Lynne Sharp
Certification Status
No longer certified
Huntsville, TX
Certification Date
Last Recertified On
Date Formerly Certified:
William A. Shaw, Jr.
Certification Status
Clearfield, PA
Certification Date
Last Recertified On